How to Conduct Effective Meetings in Coworking Environments?

Coworking spaces shared workplaces that offer a range of office-like amenities, have become increasingly popular among freelancers, remote workers, and businesses of all sizes. They offer the advantages of office infrastructure without the need for a company to manage or own its own space. However, conducting meetings in such an open and diverse environment can present unique challenges. Here’s how to navigate these waters effectively.

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Identifying the Right Space

The first step to successful meetings in coworking environments is identifying the appropriate space within the coworking area. Many coworking spots offer private meeting rooms that can be booked in advance. These are ideal for confidential discussions or when you need a quiet environment without the background buzz of the coworking space. Choosing the right room, considering its size, location within the coworking space, and available amenities, is crucial.

Establish Clear Objectives

Before the meeting, it’s essential to establish clear objectives. What do you hope to achieve by the end of this gathering? Having a focused agenda can help keep the meeting on track, especially in a coworking setting where distractions may be more prevalent. Share the agenda with attendees ahead of time, so everyone knows what to expect and can come prepared.

Leverage Technology

Coworking spaces often attract participants from various locations, necessitating the occasional inclusion of remote members in meetings. Ensure that the selected meeting room is equipped with the necessary technology—such as high-speed internet, a projector, and conferencing facilities—to include remote participants effectively. Test all technology before the meeting to avoid delays.

Skip-Level Meeting

In these considerations, it’s important not to overlook the significance of meeting formats that could be highly beneficial in a coworking setting, such as the skip-level meeting. When discussing the meaning of a skip-level meeting, it becomes clear that this format—where upper management meets directly with lower-level employees without middle management—can foster a unique opportunity for transparent communication and feedback in a neutral, coworking environment. This setup can encourage more open dialogue, as the informal setting may reduce power dynamics and allow for more candid exchanges.

Respect Coworking Etiquette

Coworking spaces operate on a certain level of mutual respect and understanding among their users. When conducting meetings, be mindful of the space’s rules and the comfort of other members. Keep noise levels to a minimum when in shared areas, and clean up any meeting spaces once your session has concluded. Being a good neighbor ensures a positive environment for all members.

Solicit Feedback

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After the meeting, take the time to solicit feedback from participants about the venue and format. Was the coworking space conducive to the meeting’s objectives? Could anything have been improved in terms of technology or facilities? Gathering this input can help refine your approach to future meetings in similar environments.

Conducting effective meetings in coworking spaces requires preparation, respect for shared resources, and an openness to leveraging the unique opportunities these venues offer. By choosing the right space, setting clear objectives, making adequate technological arrangements, understanding the value of formats like skip-level meetings, and respecting the communal environment, organizations can capitalize on the flexibility and vibrancy of coworking spaces to host productive and engaging meetings.

Photo credits: Pexels
