Expense management software selection peculiarities

Effective expense management allows a business of any size to gain a competitive advantage in the market and significantly increase its profits. To achieve this, you need to control, understand, and properly reduce your expenses. It is important to use special expense management software to visualize and analyze your expenses, identify areas of inefficiency, and optimize them. This article will discuss what these programs are, how to choose them, and how to use them as effectively as possible.

Why control expenses?

Before you spend money on buying new software, you need to understand its importance and necessity for your company. Here are a few functions that programs perform much better and more efficiently than an average employee, even with a very large stock of knowledge and experience:

  1. Cost control. Programs have a large pool of tools that allow you to analyze huge amounts of expense data. With their help, you can highlight areas of overspending and promptly take advantage of various cost-cutting measures.
  2. Budgeting and forecasting. You can create an accurate budget and an informed financial forecast by effectively managing your finances. When historical cost data is stored in the program, you can forecast future costs much faster, set more realistic financial goals, and properly allocate resources to achieve them.
  3. Combating fraud. Especially in large organizations, there are cases of fraud or misuse of corporate finances. The software can detect suspicious and unauthorized expenditures.
  4. Compliance checking. The software allows you to check whether expenses are in line with the approved budget and whether the company’s financial regulations and internal policies regarding costs are being followed. It assists with more accurate cost accounting, which then makes it much easier to create financial reports and audits.

Each cost management software has its additional features. Nowadays, many such solutions are on the market, so sometimes there are problems with their choice.

Criteria for choosing expense management software

If you want to choose an effective expense management software, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Ease of use. The financial management platform should be as simple as possible. Navigation should be easy, with quick access to all the necessary information. The software should have easy-to-understand dashboards, customizable reports, and the ability to reconcile spending categories over time. When a tool is easy to use, much less time is spent analyzing data;
  • Ability to integrate data. Often, companies already have certain programs to keep track of finances. The new program should seamlessly connect with the company’s existing financial systems, programs, and databases. If there is no such capability, it can end up costing significantly more time to import this information manually;
  • Flexible customization and scalability. A new tool should be easily customizable to the needs of a particular business. It should have tools to visualize, analyze, and manage costs. The chosen program must be able to scale to accommodate growing data volumes, and new features or cost metrics should be possible to add.

Based on these criteria, it’s easy to choose a cost management software that is user-friendly and as efficient as possible.

Why choose the Wallester Business platform?

Business Wallester is a multifunctional expense management platform to optimize corporate finance management. It has the following advantages over other similar solutions:

  1. It allows you to issue corporate cards for any purpose instantly. You can use them to pay for any expenses related to the company’s activities. The cards make it easier to control and manage expenses;
  2. Online control. The movement of corporate funds is tracked on the platform in a single system. If necessary, the corporate budget can be promptly adjusted;
  3. It has flexible settings. It is easy to set card limits through the platform. Limits can be daily, monthly or for a specific amount. Access to different payment methods and cash withdrawals can be regulated through the platform;
  4. General access. Virtual cards can be issued for one employee, a department, or a specific project. Several employees can share such cards;
  5. High level of security. The 3D Secure 2.0 protocol protects all cards issued by the platform. Instant notifications of expenses provide additional protection against fraud.

Business Wallester is a comprehensive solution that allows you to control all types of corporate expenses on a single platform. Thanks to it, any company can effectively manage its finances.

Photo credits: Coworking London

