It would be wise to know how insurance works and identify an insurance company that you can trust to protect you anytime you get behind the wheel. In the unfortunate instance you get into a car accident, your insurance company can chip in and pay for any damages to your car and cater for your medical bills. In most cases, the driver who caused the accident will take on the financial responsibility through their insurance company to pay for the damages they caused you. However, some states offer claimants an option to file a no-fault car insurance claim using their own coverage. Here is everything you need to know about a no-fault car insurance claim.
Definition of a no-fault car insurance
For you to understand what no-fault means, perhaps it is best to understand a fault-based system. Now, under the fault-based car insurance, you have the option to file a claim against the party at fault. As part of the third-party claim, you will have to convince the other driver’s insurance company that they were the cause of the accident.
Well, this can be a tedious process. You will need to provide police statements, photographic evidence and witness statements. Unfortunately, the other driver’s insurance company might still deny you compensation, forcing you to file a lawsuit. On the other hand, the no-fault car insurance will pay for some or all of your losses regardless of who caused the accident. You also don’t have to prove that you were not at fault.
How to submit a no-fault claim
If you live in one of the no-fault states, the process for filing a no-fault claim is pretty straightforward. The first step is to file your claim directly to your insurance company. The company will then compensate you for any losses, injuries and damages regardless of whether or not you were at fault. Unlike traditional liability-based insurance covers, you are safer from insurance adjusters who can often work deny you compensation. However, there is a high possibility you might be limited in the compensation you can receive.
When to hire an auto accident attorney
If you get involved in a serious car accident in a no-fault state, it would be best to hire a lawyer to help you understand your options. Your attorney can communicate with the other driver’s insurance company, collect evidence from the accident scene, and work with your doctors to provide medical evidence to support your claim for damages. You could search for an auto accident attorney near me and find the best attorney in your area. You might think you can handle an accident claim yourself. However, you should be wary of unscrupulous insurance companies that might want to deny your claim. It is thus best to hire a seasoned attorney to help make the process seamless.
Damages your no-fault insurance can cover
Ideally, your no-fault car insurance can cover any loss of income as a result of the accident due to your inability to resume work. However, it would be best to keep in mind that compensation for income lost has a certain dollar limit.
Your insurance cover can also cater to medical bills and burial fees if your loved one died in a car accident. A no-fault car insurance cover can also give compensation for the cost of replacement services such as hiring a car to move around before you get yours fixed or the cost of hiring help to complete house chores before you recover.
List of the no-fault insurance states in the US
A no-fault state requires its residents to turn to their own insurance covers for any injuries and losses following a car accident regardless of who was at fault. In these no-fault states, you might not collect compensation for pain and suffering unless your situation allows you to step outside of the no-fault threshold. Examples of no-fault insurance states include Kansas, Michigan, Florida, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Utah, New York, North Dakota and Kentucky. Certain states such as Pennsylvania, New Jersey and the District of Columbia follow a choice no-fault system.
No-fault car insurance and personal injury protection
Most auto insurance companies try to offer you the option to add a personal injury protection cover on top of your no-fault car insurance. This happens especially when you are trying to purchase an insurance policy for your car. However, you can decline the offer if you don’t want to
Wrapping up
Now that you know more about a no-fault insurance claim and what damages it can cover, you are better placed to fight for your rights. Legal jargon can be confusing thus it is best to seek help from an attorney as you file a claim.
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