Taking A Holistic Approach To Recruitment: The Whys And Hows

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In the past couple of years, things have drastically changed when it comes to the workforce. Namely, technology is continuously evolving, which is why a plethora of companies are trying to find a way to stay relevant.

As a result, a lot of them are refusing to use the old-fashioned strategies of recruitment and turn to holistic recruitment. Is this a better option? According to many, it certainly is, because this brand-new method is focusing more on a person as a whole, instead of just on their experience and skills.

There are a lot of interesting things that can be concluded when it comes to this form of hiring, and if you want to know more, then keep reading, because today we’ll go more into detail. Let’s go!

Everything You Need To Know About Holistic Hiring

What Does This Term Represent?

To make things simpler, it can be defined as a process that focuses on the person as a whole, and not just on their skills. Additionally, a company takes a “person-centered” approach, which means that the entire individual is assessed. 

The main goal of this approach is to concentrate on their values, as well as the values of the candidate. Furthermore, they want to have someone who has worked in firms that share similar values and perspectives. 

Moreover, holistic recruitment mostly focuses on the candidates’ potential as they aspire to place these jobseekers in a position of leadership. Frequently, hiring managers and recruiters solely focus on skills, which is essential, however, what’s great about this method is that the entirety of the person is considered, not just their knowledge and talents. Companies like to enlist Hire Velocity’s contract recruiting solution for a more complete and comprehensive recruitment process. This adds a whole different dimension to the hiring process and allows for a more well-rounded approach.

Holistic Recruitment Is Perfect For Employers, But Is It For Candidates Too?

If you want your reputation as an employer to be great, then you must work on candidate experience. If you’re not sure what it encompasses, then you can take a look at this guide to candidate experience that perfectly explains what it involves. Bear in mind, that a great candidate experience is going to make these people feel good about your business after they see how they’ve been treated by you.

Therefore, during this whole holistic process, it’s of huge importance to focus on having great communication with jobseekers, to give them your full attention, and of course, to be crystal clear when it comes to the kinds of people you are looking for.

Keep in mind, that these people are searching for work where they can utilize their skills and experience, where they are appreciated and have a say in how they do their job. They want to do something that’s meaningful.

More importantly, your potential employees must know that your firm is a form of “safe haven”, that is free of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other types of discrimination. Additionally, they need to be sure that they will be appreciated for who they are and what they can offer to your firm.

What’s great about the jobseekers who decide to take this holistic approach is the fact that they will prepare for the interview by studying what a particular company does, its culture and goals, and how they can contribute.

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Anything Else That Must Be Mentioned?

Things You Can Do As An Employer To Hire Holistically

If you want to implement this method, then these are the steps that you have to take to ensure you’re doing everything right:

  • Have a detailed interview – Yes, having an interview over the phone is great, but there’s nothing better than meeting face-to-face. This will enable you to get a glimpse into their personality, skills, values, and goals. So take time to get to know your applicant, this way you will show him or her that you’re actually interested in what they have to say. Also, it would be great if you told the members of each department to talk to this person too, just to see if they think he/she is suitable for your company or not.
  • Do not hire just externally – Even though that’s something many employers do, if you want to take a holistic approach, then you should consider hiring internally as well. Why is that beneficial? Well, that’s because you already know that that applicant perfectly aligns with your values, knows how your business functions and gets along with other employees. So if the external route doesn’t turn out to be as effective, opt for this one.

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It is easy to conclude that this whole holistic hiring is a breath of fresh air. It’s way more flexible and thorough and perceives people as humans with goals, aspirations, and feelings, not just as someone who has particular skills, which is truly refreshing.

Photo credits: Pexels
