Mobile App Testing – 5 Faults That Can Kill Your Business In 2023

There is a lot that goes into making your mobile app successful. Testing is one of those procedures. It not only increases the chances of your app being a success with your consumers but also gets you nominated for the annual Google Play Store App of the Year Award and many other such accolades. But wait a minute. As you heard before, there is a lot that takes to keep an app ahead. When it comes to testing it for quality, user experience, data usage, probable bugs and problems, and the usability factor, among many other things, you cannot afford to go wrong. It is better to have a guiding hand to help you through this process. Mobile app testing is a critical responsibility that you must perform before you roll out the final version of your software to avoid any errors. Let’s begin with a few instances of mistakes that you should always steer clear of:

  • So Many Mobile Devices

Mobile manufacturers sell thousands of different devices practically every day and that is only specific to a small geographical region such as a city or a state. This makes the list of the total smartphones and mobile devices that you have to cover extremely long. So yes, the wide variety of devices that is available in the market today is a primary consideration that you cannot avoid. It is also one of the biggest challenges that mobile app testing professionals face these days.

  • Operating Systems Can Be Difficult

Now there are primarily two operating systems, Android and iOS. But there is a catch here as well. There is a combination of operating systems with the device that is going to impact how your mobile application’s response and functions. The user interface of your app is going to modulate itself based on the version of the operating system being used and also the hardware that is inside the device. All of these factors need to be considered when you are testing your mobile app.

  • Practically Countless Screen Sizes

There are literally thousands of screen sizes and types out there. Some of them have a huge cut-out while others have a dew-drop-shaped camera cut-out. Some have curved displays while others are flat. Son,y for example, continues to manufacture rather sharp corners and flat screens. Apple has always been into flat screens while Samsung goes back and forth. This is where it becomes even more critical for you to make your mobile app compatible with every screen size, resolution, shape, and cam cut-out. Not doing that is only going to cause your application to function erratically.

  • Taking Automation Testing Lightly

You can never afford to take automation testing lightly, especially if it comes to launching a brand-new app. You are probably thinking about mobile testing your app manually for its practical usage across various devices, models, and operating systems. You will be in over your head before you even know it. There will be a lot of devices to be tested. Manual testing is just not possible in such a situation. Also, it is just not practical when you are about to perform regression testing on those devices. Invest in a dependable mobile automation suite and the rest is handled by the tool. The best part is that it is an important asset for your company. It saves you time, resources, and effort. It also reduces the number of man-hours that you would otherwise be putting into this process day and night.

  • Not Taking Care Of Network Speeds

Remember, only some devices out there support 5G at the moment. Also, there are plenty of geographical locations that don’t even get all the bars for 4G. In that situation, if your mobile app uses a considerable amount of mobile data, your user is going to abandon it the next day. Ignoring this aspect can land your mobile app in trouble. There are different cellular network bands that you must consider before you roll out your mobile app to its users.

Final Thoughts

You have to be serious about mobile app testing and the features that you want to incorporate in the final product. Everything has to be well-optimized. You will have to ensure minimal crashes and zero bugs. This and more is what you can facilitate through regular and critical mobile app testing.

Photo credits: Coworking London
